GREAT NEWS! The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America chose us as a national grant winner from organizations across the country! The grant will support the “Opening Minds through Art” (OMA) program originally founded in Ohio at the Scripps Gerontology Center – Miami University. Art for the Journey has facilitated OMA in Richmond since 2016 and it is one of the most impactful programs we bring as well as witness! Funding helps make it possible for us to joyfully continue for our 8th year and plan for our 9th year touching many lives and building bridges over age and cognitive barriers through abstract art, person-centered and intergenerational approach, training volunteers, and exhibiting art by talented elder artists!
The OMA story continues! Art for the Journey traveled to Ohio back in 2015 to become certified in OMA, then in 2017, became trainers for the OMA program in partnership with Founder, Dr. Elizabeth Lokon and the Scripps Gerontology Center. Art for the Journey conducts the program regularly here in Richmond, Virginia at Saint Mary’s Woods Retirement Community which, over the years has become a wonderful demonstration site for many OMA Facilitator trainees from around the country, and a model of integration of populations with participants with or without disability or cognitive impairment. This togetherness programming creates joy and human connection while art is created and eventually exhibited to the public!
The OMA story continues!
This not only helps Art for the Journey conduct the OMA program here in Richmond, it helps us showcase a best-practice model to inspire others to implement OMA in many other locations.
We are enormously grateful for this support which has helped us build a team, and a wonderful OMA program, but mostly to educate, inspire, and engage thousands of older adults, community volunteers, family members, and staff though this evidence based best practice program!

“OMA Changes lives,” ~Nan Pascal, Director of Special Projects at Saint Mary’s Woods.
Art for the Journey is honored and excited to be a part of what Dr. Lokon started well over a decade ago, and to continue to partner with the Scripps Gerontology Centers ScrippsOMA center to help others reach and facilitate OMA impact!
Thank you, Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, for this funding and wonderful support of the OMA program in Richmond that positively impacts many lives!