Art for the Journey featured on CBS 6 with Greg McQuade and Jessica Noll

Art for the Journey was excited to promote the upcoming Art Exhibit Gala by visiting our friends at CBS 6, Greg McQuade and Jessica Noll. Greg McQuade has been an advocate of one of our programs after he visited the Correctional Center for Women in Goochland and created a beautiful story about the work we do there.

“Greg McQuade created a beautiful story about the work we do”

The Art for the Journey Art Exhibit Gala is an important part of our fundraising efforts and enables us to promote well-being in children and adults through art.

CBS 6 helped Art for the Journey describe our mission as well as tell their viewers about the exciting Gala evening so many would attend! The Fall Gala was held on Thursday, October 11, 2018, and was a lovely evening and wonderful success!

We are grateful to our friends at CBS 6 for the story about our Women’s Prison Art program in Goochland and for helping us tell viewers about Art for the programs for adults and children that are designed to promote positive mental health and well-being.