ART FOR THE JOURNEY is very pleased to announce our annual Art Exhibit Gala for 2019! This will be our fourth year of exhibiting and highlighting art from artists in the Richmond area. We are very excited to be sending you this Call for Entries. This is a juried exhibit, and we hope you will consider submitting prospective pieces of your work to be reviewed for admission to this annual event.
This year’s Gala will be held once again at the University of Richmond’s Jepson Center on Thursday, October 24, 2019 from 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Sponsors are providing support for the promotion of the Gala, including media sponsor CBS 6 who will produce public services announcements leading up to the event. Award winning CBS reporter, Greg McQuade, is returning once again as Master of Ceremonies. Music is planned, refreshments have been chosen, wine will be flowing, and top level, high-quality art will be displayed for sale from local artists, as well as from Art for the Journey volunteer artists. Also for sale will be artwork by women in prison, seniors with dementia, school children from the East End of Richmond and rural Ruther Glen, our veterans, and much more!
When I am in art class….I feel human again.
This year’s exhibit has a French Impressionism theme as you will see from the image on the attached SAVE THE DATE announcement! Why do we raise funds for programs? We believe art heals…. please consider words from our women’s prison program, “When I am in art class….I feel human again.” ~ “Lisa” who is incarcerated at the Virginia Correctional Center for Women.
Please consider supporting this mission by submitting artwork to be juried for this extraordinary event. Your art sales will help Art for the Journey create more opportunities to promote and receive well-being through creative expression for hundreds of underserved adults and children throughout Richmond and beyond. Art for the Journey requests a donation of 50% of the sale prices be made at point of sale on the night of the Gala. Art for the Journey will administer sales at the event. Net payment to artists for art sales, after credit card service fees, will be made within 45 days of the event.
Art for the Journey requests that artists submit a maximum of four images of current artwork that you would like to be exhibited before September 27, 2019 to afjgala2019@gmail.com. Please complete and submit that attached Gala Entry Form with your images. Artwork submissions from previous Gala events will not be considered. Current images will be reviewed by an anonymous panel of Richmond professional artists. A follow-up letter will be sent after the jury process has been completed. Images of the artwork chosen by the jury will be featured in a social media mailing to guests and to the general public.

Accepted artwork will be received at the University of Richmond Jepson Center on Wednesday, October 23, 2019 between 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Artwork that was not sold must be picked up at the Jepson Center on Thursday, October 24th at the end the event, between 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
If you have not received the form via an Art for the Journey email, you can still submit your work…
We are very excited about this year’s Gala and hope that you will join us to transform lives through art!
Click below to access the Gala Art Entry Form. Simply download, fill out, and email to afjgala2019@gmail.com.