Fairfax Delegate Kaye Kory invites Art for the Journey to join with other organizations such as St. Josephs Villa and ARC in displaying works of art by individuals living with disability or other challenges. This art show focuses on “ability” through a variety of artistic mediums and a variety of colors. Every year, Delegate Kory and her team provide a reception for delegates and Senators to visit the art. This year also attending were Margaret Hancock, Executive Director – Virginia Commission for the Arts, and Catherine Wellborn from the VCA.
Art for the Journey welcomed a very special visitor the the exhibit, the First Lady of Virginia! Mrs. Suzanne Youngkin was moved by the paintings created by people we serve, children, veterans and seniors and our focus on the intersection of arts and health by promoting well-being through art and community engagement. The First Lady and Delegate Kory were each glad to see all the beautiful art which provides creative expression, and a voice leading to healing and well-being from all throughout the State. Dana Parsons, VP of LeadingAge Virginia also visited this exhibit, and together with Cindy Paullin, Executive Director-Art for the Journey, shared more about the expansion of the Scripps Gerontology OMA program through the Quality Improvement Funding from the Department of Medicaid Services.
This art show promotes the inclusivity of artists of all ages and abilities!
Art for the Journey provided artwork from several of our programs such as by seniors in the “Opening Minds through Art” (OMA) program, incarcerated women, veterans living with PTSD and underserved youth.
A very special focus was on the CMP Reinvestment Grant for OMA whereby through training and certification by Art for the Journey and funds for up to 102 nursing homes across the Commonwealth, will promote well-being through the best practice program founded by Dr. Elizabeth Lokon, Miami University-OH who is now bringing OMA into Indonesia through her Fulbright Scholarship. The OMA art is the beautiful backdrop of the featured picture with the Stephanie Shanks, Director of OMA; Mrs. Suzanne Youngkin, First Lady of Virginia; Kaye Kory, Delegate-Fairfax, VA; Cindy Paullin, Executive Director-Art for the Journey; and Dana Parsons, VP Leading Age, VA.