Art for the Journey has many volunteers. Some of our volunteers have a silent and a “behind the scene” presence, yet they do extraordinary things. Over the course of many months, a team of people from Richmond based I.T. firm, Veracity, began to help the mission of Art for the Journey with the gifts and talents of this extraordinary team. In Late 2017, through Art for the Journey devoted volunteer Theresa Halpin, and her colleagues, Bhadresh Patel and Elisa Parkin, a new friendship developed. Initially meeting with Elisa, Rachel Adler and Laura Aldred, Theresa, Mark Hierholzer and Cindy Paullin discussed the growing impact of our non-profit, and the understanding of our mission to promote well-being through creative expression resonated very well with all.
Since then, and hundreds of combined hours later, a new website has been created to create a hub for Art for the Journey on line. Talented photographer, Arshan Yazdanshenas visited all of the Art for the Journey programs to capture images of the work we do to be shared on line and beyond and influenced the overall colorful design. Amazing wordsmith Joe Vargo began to write words that align with our work and create overall understanding of the impact. Creative Kevin Carroll designed our HEART felt brand, capturing the color and the love of what we do. Highly talented Derek Chamberlin spent well over a hundred hours formatting the site. Extraordinary Davor Serbic lead the team forward and kept everyone on point! Brilliant, compassionate, and artistic Jen Jones oversaw everyone on the team, with whom we at Art for the Journey have truly enjoyed working every step of the way! Clearly the best result happens when you work with wonderful, dedicated, talented, and generous people.
Clearly the best result happens when you work with wonderful, dedicated, talented, and generous people.
Mark Hierholzer, Cindy Paullin, Jamie Wigginton, Stephanie Shanks, and Theresa Halpin and Melba Gibbs have all had such a positive experience with this team. The website is magnificent and we are in awe, as well as so very grateful to all involved in helping Art for the Journey communicate our mission to overcome barriers and transform lives through creating art.
Check it out!
To learn more about Veracity go to